Leasing & Demographics


Leasing & Demographics

The Triangle is located in the fastest-growing county in California and the second-fastest growing county in the nation. Trade area residents enjoy a wide-range of incomes, are more inclined to be homeowners and reside in higher value homes than regional norms.

Designed to serve a diverse region with varying interests and income levels, the unique Triangle development will be the premier shopping and entertainment venue for the trade area, giving local residents an alternative to 30-50+ mile drives to find comparable experiences.


Lifestyle shopping at The Triangle will range from specialty boutiques to high-fashion retailers, fashion department stores, novelty, entertainment and home furnishings. Dining choices will include casual fare to fine dining encompassing everything from coffee houses and small cafes to family-friendly and themed restaurants, music and libation hotspots.


Dispersed throughout the project, the planned office space will include space over retail as well as two multi-story towers with a commanding view of the valley. Companies will benefit from the center’s village atmosphere and amenities, making The Triangle the ideal place to work, hold casual meetings, host business lunches and entertain clients.


For general and/or leasing Information, please contact:
Cindy Domenigoni
cdomenigoni@shop-the-triangle.com or call 951-926-6873